How does Landlife work?

  • Choose from our services . Select the time and date and check the price. You can modify, reschedule or cancel at any time from your customer account.

  • The Landlife team has arrived . Leave everything to the professionals.

  • Congratulations . Your green space is the way you wanted it. Write your opinion about the Landlife team.

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What our customers say

Decorează spațiul tău cu ajutorul produselor noastre

Landlife iți pune la dispoziție plante, ghivece și alte produse pentru spațiul tău, le livrăm la tine acasă și te ajutăm să te bucuri de ele.

Why Landlife?

  • The quality of products . We choose the best products for you. Discover the most popular plants, pots and accessories.

  • Delivery to your home . We send our products directly to your door, anywhere in Romania. If you are not satisfied, you can contact us and we will help you.

  • Landlife Community . Follow on Facebook and Instagram and be part of our community. Don't forget to subscribe to receive the latest offers and promotions.

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